
Concave Finance launches to the public on 31st March 2022

Concave Finance launches to the public on 31st March 2022 (1) logo/IT Digest
Concave Finance launches to the public on 31st March 2022 (1) logo/IT Digest

In the Decentralized Finance space, Concave is a community-driven, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocol that aims to bring value to investors through the development of innovative DeFi products and active treasury management. At launch, Concave will introduce several novel solutions to grow its treasury whilst ensuring long-term investors receive the highest returns.


Concave places huge emphasis on its community. We are dedicated to forging a positive community space with members who constantly build up one another through the shared goal of driving Concave to greater heights. Each miner’s (term used for their community) effort represents the heartbeat of Concave; without it Concave would not exist.


THE SPOON – Unlike legacy bonding models where treasury growth via bonding is prioritized leading to the dilution of stakers, Concave is structured from scratch with both sides taken into consideration, creating a win-win solution for Bonders and Stakers. This balance is achieved by focusing on delivering value to long-term stakers via Bonding and Liquid Staking Mechanisms with anti-dilutive rewards.


1. Bonding Mechanics

Through an off-chain bonding optimization algorithm, the Concave protocol is able to maximize the value of the Treasury with respect to supply, as opposed to the more widely utilized model (e.g. the legacy bonding model) where focus is placed on maximizing supply with respect to Treasury. In short, through the Concave protocol, maximum returns are ensured for staked investors!

2. Liquid Staking Mechanics

Nothing is free in this world; Under most protocols so far, stakers are diluted in favor of bonders. However, Concave’s Protocol solves this imbalance by introducing liquid staking and a cap on the amount of stakers that can enter the longest-term positions (12 months). The problem is solved by splitting stakeholders into different categories, each with its own differentiated rewards. This way, instead of penalizing all stakeholders, the Concave model discourages short-term stakeholders with dilution, rewards long-term stakeholders with non-dilution, whilst attracting bond revenue simultaneously!


Under the Concave Model, returns can manifest in several forms.

1. Non / Anti-Dilutive Emissions

Upon staking, every staker receives an immediate compounded real-time reward redeemable at the end of the users’ staking term where the staker with the longest liquid staking position will never be diluted, controlled for by placing a limit on non-dilutive positions and minimum price on bonds.

2. Long-Term Emissions

Staking positions will receive a boost on rewards in accordance to the term length. The longest liquid staking position will receive the highest return whilst the shorter term liquid stakers will receive the lowest.

3. Backing

Any excess rewards (unminted) are controlled by an excess reward rate variable, ensuring greater control on price stability and increased treasury backing per Concave (CNV) token.

4. Treasury Dividend

Concave actively manages and invests its treasury along a number of investment strategies and product lines, distributing returns to stakeholders in the form of dividends at predefined intervals. This amount is based on their staking term.


A secondary marketplace will be made available for all investors where users can trade their individual liquid staking positions (token holders will receive an NFT that represents their liquid staking positions upon activation). This incentivizes investors to enter the most beneficial positions for long-term price stability and protocol health from the get-go while also ensuring additional revenue streams for all participants.


Concave is a community funded co-operative which strives to manage your exposure to decentralized finance, seizing its upsides whilst efficiently managing risks through the power of its community. Concave possesses a focused goal of becoming one of the biggest communities in the DeFi ecosystem