
EPAM Debuts New Cloud-Powered Digital Clinical Trials Platform


Clinical trials are a key step to bringing new pharmaceutical drugs to market, but they are also faced with an increasing number of challenges, from recruitment challenges to missed enrollment targets and patient dropouts.

Accordingly, the pharmaceutical industry is quickly pivoting away from “site-centric” to “patient-centric” clinical trials. a leading digital transformation services and product engineering company, announce the launch of their new Digital Clinical Trials (DCT) platform. Powered by Microsoft cloud services, the solution is a digital, patient-centric platform that connects patients, Clinical Research Organizations (CRO), and healthcare provider teams to deliver the future of hybrid or decentralized clinical trials through a virtual, effortless, outcome-driven experience—making them more accessible, affordable, and faster.


Recruit Patients at Home with Digital Enrollment. Utilize remote screening at scale. Meet study enrollment targets faster and develop screening assessments to suit study needs and patient preferences.

Clinical Trial Roadmap. Patients have an on-demand view into their personalized clinical trial experience at each step while they prepare for and manage their health.
Omnichannel Communication. Bring secure, convenient, and reliable communication channels to patients wherever they are via telehealth, mobile messaging and/or eChat bots.

Increase Compliance. Simple to use, connected devices that enable real-time patient outcome updates through integration.
Connected Apps Drive Efficiency and Reduce Study Timelines. Accelerate study start-up timelines by facilitating easy document exchange between sponsor teams and trial site teams

“We’re pleased to partner with Microsoft cloud services to bring the Digital Clinical Trials platform to market,” said Sergey Yezhkov, SVP and Co-Head Global Business, EPAM Systems. “DCT gives pharmaceutical organizations access to real-time data via secure omnichannel communication channels, while simultaneously simplifying the patient recruitment and enrollment process, enabling seamless integration of patient outcomes, improving operational efficiencies, reducing study timelines, and increasing patient engagement.”