
Scale-Up IoT Innovators Take Centre Stage at Fast Track Graduation

Scale-Up IoT Innovators Take Centre Stage at Fast Track Graduation logo/IT Digest
Scale-Up IoT Innovators Take Centre Stage at Fast Track Graduation logo/IT Digest

Thirty-one Alberta businesses are graduating from the Fast Track accelerator program developed and facilitated by Alberta IoT, the nonprofit organization on a mission to position Alberta as the worldwide centre of excellence for the Internet of Things and emerging technology. These graduating scale-up entities participated in 8 weeks of formal training followed by one-on-one coaching throughout the year long accelerator.

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As shared by Justin Caskey, Managing Partner at Patching Associate and Cohort #1 graduate, “The level of support along the way has been astounding. The fast-track program connected us with the confidence to grow our ambitions.”

Alberta IoT welcomes special guest, Doug Schweitzer, Minister of Jobs, Economy, and Innovation, to address the graduating organizations and celebrate their achievements during the virtual ceremony. Additionally, three graduates have been selected to pitch live during the event. Those in attendance will hear from SoundComply powered by Patching Associates, PCC Integrate, and Rigstar Telecommunications.

“Selecting the pitching organizations was no easy feat,” commented Executive Director of Alberta IoT, Brenda Beckedorf. “All graduates were given the opportunity to submit a recorded pitch for review and feedback from the IoT Capital Steering Committee and the three groups you will hear from are those that are scaling entities showcasing the power of IoT in their given vertical. Congratulations to Patching Associates, PCC Integrate and Rigstar who will be showcased not only at Graduation but during the upcoming IoT North Conference as well!”

Whether you are looking to connect with industry leaders, investors, investment opportunities, or access to the inaugural Fast Track deal book, you are invited to this unique opportunity to engage with growing IoT companies!

Alberta IoT is a non-profit, member-based association that exists to nurture and support the growth of Alberta’s Internet of Things and emerging technology sectors. Our mission is to position Alberta as the worldwide leader in IoT and emerging technology.