In a new installment of Information Matrix preparing to air in 2019, renowned actor and philanthropist, Lawrence Fishburne hosts a segment that discusses blockchain technology. The episode will examine the ways blockchain technology is changing how business, security, and logistics are performed around the world.
Blockchain technology is best known as the digital ledger system that performs cryptocurrency transactions. While crypto coinage such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, are indeed generated through blockchain, it would be a mistake to believe that is all it can do.
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Blockchain databases are not stored on any single computer or in only one location. Each database exists in millions of places, on computers, the Internet and the Cloud, simultaneously. Without a central location, they are publicly available without providing any privileged information for hackers to steal. In this way, they keep transactions and other records secure, visible and incorruptible. As a secure, shared, distributed database ledger system, blockchain technology is making its way into business, finance, logistics and security operations worldwide.
With the constant notifications of breeches on websites like Yahoo and Facebook, is blockchain technology the solution to database security? What are the issues that keep blockchain from achieving greater acceptance and use? Are there hidden flaws in blockchain technology that are yet to be discovered?
This educational episode will address some of these questions, feature experts in the field, and will demystify blockchain technology and shed light on how it is being used in cryptocurrency transactions, business, finance, logistics and security applications to make our world safer and more efficient.
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