
Utimaco Recognized for Enhancing Encryption & Data Security”


Frost & Sullivan recently assessed the post-quantum cryptography (PQC) industry and, based on its findings, recognized Utimaco with the 2024 Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award. The company is a leading global provider of on-premises and cloud-based payment and general-purpose hardware security modules (HSMs), which act as the central Root of Trust for any digital environment. Utimaco supplies the Root of Trust for a variety of industries and use cases, ranging from autonomous cars to hospitals and national critical infrastructure.

By cross-cutting verticals, the company provides specialized offerings to manufacturers, governments, mobile network operators, banks, airports, and utilities, among others. Utimaco’s portfolio is widely integrated in the market for its multiple layers of digital trust and cybersecurity and includes solutions for:

  • Data protection
  • Key management
  • Secure payments
  • Telecommunication
  • Public warnings

Utimaco complemented its organic growth and offerings through a series of strategic acquisitions across the security ecosystem. It acquired Atalla Product Line from Micro Focus to expand into the U.S. market and added payment HSM and enterprise key management to its existing general purpose portfolio. The company substantially expanded its portfolio for the payments and financial industries by acquiring solutions provider GEOBRIDGE for key management and MYHSM for an as-a-service offering known as Trust as a Service Marketplace. It also acquired exceet Secure Solutions (ESS) and REALSEC, further increasing its IT and IoT security footprint in Europe. With its acquisition of Celltick, a global leader in public warning and mass notification systems and the world’s largest cell broadcast center provider, Utimaco expanded its comprehensive offering to government, telecommunications, and enterprise customers. Finally, after acquiring conpal, it fully integrated its file and folder encryption solutions to complete its data protection portfolio.

Also Read:  Timus Networks Enhances Oracle Cloud Security 

Ozgun Pelit, senior industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, said: “Utimaco’s expertise in deploying HSMs both for general purpose and specialized use cases translates well to the post-quantum era, which requires high levels of customization and adaptability. Utimaco also strategically positions itself as a wide-ranging partner for organizations in this monumental task, providing consultancy services, quantum-readiness assessments, and crypto-agility solutions—an integral part of migration to PQC as a leading HSM supplier.”

Utimaco also actively participated in PQC standardization efforts and interoperability processes, including collaborative research projects and thought leadership. It is closely engaged in the broader ecosystem of quantum security, working on proofs of concept and active standardization in quantum key distribution and quantum random number generation. Placing a strategic focus on PQC to prepare the security infrastructure for the quantum era, Utimaco has been the first mover in developing PQC-ready HSMs. It developed the Quantum Protect application as an extension for its General Purpose HSMs to enable the implementation of new and quantum-resistant algorithms through a technology partnership with ISARA, a leading provider of quantum-safe security solutions. This paved the way for large organizations to test and integrate quantum-safe algorithms into their operations very early on and before the release of official standards. Testing its functional compliance with the NIST algorithms on a regular basis, Utimaco strives to be feature-complete and supports individual algorithms selected by European and international security agencies.

SOURCE: PRNewswire