
HUMBL Launches New Platform and Verification Features


HUMBL, Inc. announced that it has launched an updated platform with enhanced features for consumers, corporations and governments to communicate, interact and transact with each other on a verified platform.

The HUMBL platform is built on fully verified profiles, and is connected to a digital wallet and web platform, with search, marketplace and social media functionality. A core goal of the platform is to improve the authenticity and quality of interactions and transactions on the web.

HUMBL allows fully verified users to discover, pay, chat, communicate and transact with each other in safer and more authenticated ways than traditional Web 2 platforms.

“Major Web 2 platforms have problems with fake user profiles, ads, sellers, information, merchandise, reviews, bots, and more, which can make authenticated transactions challenging,” said Brian Foote, CEO of HUMBL. “Our goal at HUMBL is to grow a Web 3 platform that makes it safer and easier for fully verified users to discover, communicate and transact with each other in a more trusted environment.” – Key Features

  • Verified profiles
  • Digital wallets
  • Direct messages
  • Multimedia compound posts (GIFs, Videos, Voice Recordings, etc).
  • Expanded and longer character limits on posts
  • HUMBL Pro+ users have the flexibility to generate open or closed groups and channels enabling public or private content, events and more
  • HUMBL Pro+ integrations include a 4-tier structure, with each tier unlocking more features
  • HUMBL Chat real-time audio and video conferencing services

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HUMBL Chat – Key Features

HUMBL Chat is now also available on, for real-time audio and video conferencing on the platform; allowing for the connection and management of verified peer groups, professional groups, corporate or government audiences.

HUMBL Chat users can now conduct live AMA’s, Q+A sessions, courses, webinars, and more, with high quality audio and video conferencing quality available around the world.

  • Immersive audio and video conferencing experiences
  • Share live and recorded content on the platform
  • Host live AMA’s, Q+A’s, classes, demos and authenticated product sales
  • Grow and join communities, groups, fan bases, courses, classes, virtual meetups and more

As part of HUMBL Pro+ subscription services, HUMBL Pro+ users can now also record and share their HUMBL Chat session recordings to multiple video or social media platforms, as well.

HUMBL Chat recently hosted live Q+A’s with current and former athletes from the UFC, and MLB, to engage with real, verified fans, while selling authenticated merchandise to them on the platform.

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire