
Frost & Sullivan Honors Radiant Logic for Identity Governance

Radiant Logic

Frost & Sullivan recently researched the Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) industry and, based on its findings, recognizes Radiant Logic with the 2024 Global Enabling Technology Leadership award. The company has evolved from a virtual directory provider to an identity data platform provider, focusing on unifying identity data to simplify identity integration, storage, and security. Helping organizations to address identity sprawl, the company can improve identity data accuracy for better business decisions. RadiantOne, a central intelligence hub for identity, combines data federation, observability, analytics, and prescriptive capabilities. The solution can centralize and standardize identity data across the enterprise, powering 360-degree views and enabling identity governance through data science.

Radiant Logic’s platform identifies data quality issues or deviations from IT and security policies, enhancing data management. Data science algorithms enable anomaly detection and trigger remediation actions to mitigate risks. This approach recognizes the significance of consistent and accurate identity data, providing a complete policy information pipeline to enable identity-first security. Radiant Logic’s fundamental strength is connecting to identity data sources for seamless access to critical information within organizations. Identity analytics enhance the process with deeper insights, better risk assessment and quality controls on the data. This process ensures accurate and consistent access rights, attributes, managers, organizational locations, and application usage, thus maintaining a secure and efficient system. In addition to anomaly detection—essential for identifying deviations from the norm—regular audits and monitoring help organizations promptly address discrepancies.

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Deepali Sathe, Senior Industry Analyst, Frost & Sullivan, observed, “Radiant Logic’s approach is based on its strategic intent of working as an identity-first security control panel for companies. It involves centralizing and standardizing identity data across the enterprise. The platform aggregates and correlates data from all Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems and company resources to facilitate comprehensive visibility across the organization. This detailed view of identities enhances the efficiency of data governance tools and drives zero-trust adoption.”

Radiant Logic’s platform channels accurate information from IAM systems through analytical controls to remediate data gaps and anomalies. This continuous cycle is extremely relevant in a dynamic organizational structure, which is constantly onboarding new applications and managing joiner-mover-leaver employee scenarios. The platform ensures better outcomes by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and data management to enhance risk detection and remediation. The platform also improves risk management with identity data hygiene, access governance, and real-time and context-aware controls. Radiant Logic‘s data-centric approach makes identity management secure, efficient, affordable, and compliant with better risk management.

SOURCE: PRNewswire