
Fuel Cycle Introduces Over 5,000 App Integrations to Automate Workflows in Delta Testing

Fuel Cycle Introduces Over 5_000 App Integrations to Automate Workflows in Delta Testing

Fuel Cycle Inc., the leading market research cloud for Fortune 500 companies, today announced over 5,000 app integrations to their continuous testing solution, Delta Testing, which enables organizations in any industry to improve digital product success by capturing user feedback at any stage of the product life cycle.

With Delta Testing, customers are able to attack the $150B annual waste of software development time and address the 85% of customer churn preventable due to poor experiences. With this next generation of beta testing, clients are able to generate 3x the typical user feedback and collect actionable insights in half the time and cost.

“Products are not built once. They need continuous improvements and releases to keep up with always-evolving customer expectations,” said Rick Kelly, Fuel Cycle’s Chief Product Officer. “Most companies use alpha and beta testing to test products or services before releasing them in the market, but those testing methods aren’t continuous, and the feedback quickly becomes stale. Delta Testing says goodbye to these antiquated methods, and these new integrations will enhance its effectiveness even further by placing user feedback directly into enterprise systems of record.”

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The new integrations offered with Delta Testing allow clients to instantaneously connect with more than 5,000 apps including Jira, Asana, Slack, Teams, and more. As a result, Fuel Cycle users can sync Delta Tests with tickets and comments to tools such as Jira and Azure DevOps, allowing users to receive notifications when new tickets or comments are created or push any updates directly into product and engineering workflows.

Other ways Delta Testing is enhanced with these integrations include:

Quick action based on user challenges: Zendesk,, or tasks can be created when new issues or bugs are reported by users on Fuel Cycle.
Responsive product management: Product teams can receive Slack or Teams notifications for new bugs, features or improvement requests.
Strategic alignment: Delta Testing requests and planning can be pushed into Miro, Github, or Airtable for collaborative strategic planning.

Fuel Cycle’s award-winning Market Research Cloud is the most comprehensive intelligence gathering ecosystem that exists today. Our platform enables decision-makers to maintain constant connections with their customers, prospects, and users to uncover real-world actionable intelligence. By integrating human insight with critical business data, and through automated quantitative and qualitative research solutions,