
Harness Acquires ChaosNative, Bringing Leading Chaos Engineering Solution

Harness Acquires ChaosNative_ Bringing Leading Chaos Engineering Solution to Award-Winning Software Delivery Platform logo/IT digest
Harness Acquires ChaosNative_ Bringing Leading Chaos Engineering Solution to Award-Winning Software Delivery Platform logo/IT digest

Harness Inc., the software delivery platform company, announced the acquisition of ChaosNative Inc., the original creator of the popular Cloud Native Computing Foundation project LitmusChaosTM, which is used by hundreds of leading organizations, including Intuit, Mercedes, NetApp, Orange, RedHat, and VMWare. ChaosNative LitmusTM is ChaosNative’s highly scalable and secure enterprise platform for chaos engineering, offered both in the cloud and on-premises.

Together, the companies are integrating the advanced testing capabilities of ChaosNative Litmus into the award-winning Harness Software Delivery Platform, providing customers with the ability to reduce downtime across distributed environments, track reliability improvements, reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR), and provide a better end-user experience. This new Harness Software Delivery Platform module, Harness Chaos Engineering powered by Litmus, enables development teams to take full control of their service reliability.

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Loss of revenue from unexpected downtime is estimated at almost $550,000 per hour with 59% of Fortune 500 companies experiencing at least 1.6 hours of downtime per week. For consumer-facing companies in ecommerce, financial services, and organizations that rely on ad impression revenue, the cost is even higher and a site outage for a few hours can quickly result in losses of tens of millions of dollars. For the largest ecommerce sites, downtime can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per minute or more, with the company’s third party sellers, partners and customers facing losses as a result too. The calculable economic loss isn’t the only consideration– the stress on development teams and damage to brand reputation can linger long after services are restored

While traditional testing uses situations where the outcome is known and simply being validated to be correct, chaos engineering takes a different approach by simulating real-world failure conditions to uncover unseen issues and performance bottlenecks that are difficult to find in traditional testing environments in order to avoid costly, brand-reputation damaging downtime.

“ChaosNative’s team of software engineers pioneered the very popular open source platform, LitmusChaos, which serves as the basis for many leading enterprises’ chaos framework. As enterprises continue to struggle with reliability as a result of ever increasing scale and complexity of their distributed systems, chaos engineering provides a solution. The integration of ChaosNative Litmus into the Harness software delivery platform helps customers easily introduce chaos engineering into their workflows to reduce costly downtime and increase resiliency and security,” said Jyoti Bansal, CEO, Harness. “We are thrilled to have ChaosNative’s incredible employees join Harness and together offer Harness Chaos Engineering powered by Litmus.”