
OneShield Promotes Liza Petrie to Chief Product Officer


OneShield, a leading provider of enterprise cloud and SaaS-based solutions for P&C Insurers and MGAs, is laying the groundwork for continued strategic growth and innovation with the promotion of Liza Petrie to Chief Product Officer (CPO).

“Liza has demonstrated acumen as a leader of people and processes and is a force multiplier across our growing company.”

“After just 10 months with the company, Liza has demonstrated an acute understanding of our customers’ needs in her previous role as SVP of Product Strategy,” says OneShield’s Chief Executive Officer Cameron Parker. “Her appointment to CPO signals our continuing emphasis on expanding OneShield’s product management team and capabilities.”

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Liza originally joined OneShield from Relativity, a highly successful global B2B e-discovery and compliance software company, where she managed global engineering teams focused on scaling products and accelerating growth. Before Relativity, she worked on the vaccine development team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and was a strategy consultant at Bain & Company.

“Liza has demonstrated her acumen as a leader of both people and processes and is a force multiplier across our growing company,” adds CEO Parker. “In addition to her current responsibilities, we’ve asked Liza to take on several strategically critical investments and assume a public-facing role on behalf of OneShield with industry analysts and our customers.”

“I am excited to take on this new role,” says Petrie. “Working closely over the past year with customers and our product and engineering teams, I have seen the great potential OneShield has to continue its product leadership and innovation in the insurance sector.”

“This is an exciting opportunity to engage even more closely with both the marketplace and our customers to understand how OneShield’s products can continue to help them advance their strategic growth plans during this challenging and fast-moving period in the insurance industry’s evolution,” adds Petrie.

SOURCE: PR Newswire