
Overwatch Announces Appointment of Scott MacIntire as Vice President of Veteran Development


Scott brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role, having previously served 7 years in the US Marine Corps and has worked in Data Center Operations, Technology Consulting and Cloud Computing since he left the military. Scott holds a degree from Tulane University and has 24 years of experience in government and technology.

In this role, Scott will be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the work of Overwatch’s recruiting and Veteran training initiatives, as well as working closely with the Veteran community partners . He will also play a key role in developing and leading the Overwatch Infrastructure Academy.

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Scott is excited to join the Overwatch team and is looking forward to contributing to the company’s ongoing growth and success. “I am honored and humbled to join a team that is helping two communities I am passionate about,” Scott said. “I am looking forward to working with our partners in the mission critical space by providing Veteran talent to address the staffing shortage.”

Scott brings a strong track record of achievement and leadership to the role and is well-equipped to drive the company’s Veteran initiatives forward.

Our MISSION is to build the home for the cloud by helping our customers unleash the emerging technologies that improve the lives of everyone around the world. We believe that the only way that we can complete this mission is to leverage an untapped resource of talent that can only be found in our veteran community. We believe that our fellow veterans can bring the same discipline and integrity to serving the data center industry as they once brought to serving our country while in uniform. Our industry isn’t lacking in genius nor intelligence; it’s lacking leadership and courage and that is what gives veterans an advantage.

We are a PURPOSE driven organization dedicated to Improving the quality of life for veterans by helping them discover a meaningful career in the digital infrastructure (data center) industry whose only existential threat is a growing labor shortage that gets worse by the month. We believe that the as we continue to find a new mission or new purpose for these veterans, we will drive down the suicide rate while helping the data center industry grow. We also own and operate an annual data center technology conference in Austin, TX called DCAC LIVE (Conference).