
CAST and LIRIS collaborate to apply advanced graph visualization algorithms for understanding complex software applications


CAST, the global leader in software intelligence, announced a strategic research collaboration with the Laboratoire d’InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d’information (LIRIS) at developing advanced algorithms for simplified graph representations to improve the analysis, visualization, and understanding of complex software systems.

The goal of the collaboration is to develop advanced algorithms that yield more efficient and user-friendly visual representations of application structures. This effort is crucial as the complexity of home-grown software applications continues to grow, demanding ever more sophisticated analytical capabilities, as well as easier ways to visualize and navigate their internal structures. By leveraging LIRIS’s expertise in graph technology, CAST aims to enhance its ability to visualize and analyze complex software architectures, making it easier for users to understand, improve, and transform their software systems.

This collaboration also aims to develop progressive visualization techniques that allow users to interactively explore graphs and display specific parts according to their needs. This approach aims to offer more efficient visual analysis of application graphs representing complex software applications.

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LIRIS, one of France’s most prestigious research institutions, is backed by computer science leaders such as the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), INSA Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2, and École Centrale de Lyon. Spearheading the partnership is the GOAL team within LIRIS, which specializes in graph research, exploring their structures, developing efficient algorithms, and applying them to fields such as big data and security.

“Collaborating with LIRIS and the GOAL team, renowned for their expertise in graph technology, aligns perfectly with our mission to provide deeper insights and intuitive user experiences for our clients grappling with complex software systems,” said CAST Imaging Vice President Luc Perard. “This partnership underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of software intelligence technology.”

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire