
Rafay Systems Launches Suite for Cloud Cost Optimization

Rafay Systems

Rafay Systems, the leading Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider for modern infrastructure and accelerated computing, unveiled its Cost Optimization Suite, to address the urgent challenge of balancing modernization with the need to control infrastructure and operational costs in increasingly complex cloud and on-premises environments. The Cost Optimization Suite proactively reduces costs rather than just reporting them — it continuously analyzes spending patterns and automatically adjusts resources, eliminating repetitive manual intervention. It empowers platform and FinOps teams to focus on strategic initiatives instead of constant cost management by directly optimizing Kubernetes, AI and cloud resources in real time. Rafay customers report savings of up to 60% when using the Cost Optimization Suite.

Today, Rafay also published its inaugural “Pulse of Enterprise Platform Teams: Cloud, Kubernetes and AI” research study, which focuses on the confluence of cloud, Kubernetes and AI in enterprises. This report underscores the need for offerings such as Rafay’s Cost Optimization Suite. Among other major takeaways, the report reveals that the total cost of ownership for Kubernetes (including software/support licenses, salaries of resources) is higher than budgeted for/anticipated for almost a third of organizations (30.8%). Moreover, nearly half of organizations (44.5%) cite managing cost visibility and controlling Kubernetes and cloud infrastructure costs as their top challenge.

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“No enterprise wants to constantly monitor cloud costs and have operations engineers intervene manually. They want applications to only use the resources they need and they want unused infrastructure to be scaled down if it’s not being used,” said Haseeb Budhani, CEO and co-founder of Rafay Systems. “Our Cost Optimization Suite does exactly this for Kubernetes environments by proactively making adjustments to per-application resource commits and ensuring that the right policies are in effect to automatically reduce infrastructure footprint based on need.”

Equipping FinOps and Platform Teams With a Multi-faceted Approach to Controlling Expenses and Reducing Waste

By automating cost management processes, Rafay enables platform and FinOps teams, and IT leadership to align cloud modernization with the industry-wide cost reduction trends, while ensuring the efficient use of cloud resources without constant manual intervention.

The benefits extend beyond immediate cost savings, offering improved visibility into cloud expense growth, reduced carbon footprint and greater control over infrastructure expenses as investments in AI/ML workloads accelerate. This automated approach allows organizations to reinvest in initiatives including driving business growth and enhancing customer experience, while maintaining better control over cloud spending without the burden of manual cost management.

“Managing cloud costs in the modern era shouldn’t take a tremendous amount of manual work,” said Mohan Atreya, chief product officer at Rafay Systems. “With this new innovation, we’re helping to create an efficient, self-optimizing cloud environment for businesses that delivers immediate and ongoing cost savings for CPU- and GPU-based workloads.”

SOURCE: Businesswire