
How Citizenship by Investment Unlocks the Potential of Cryptocurrency

How Citizenship by Investment Unlocks the Potential of Cryptocurrency logo/IT Digest
How Citizenship by Investment Unlocks the Potential of Cryptocurrency logo/IT Digest

The debate revolving around the true meanings of sovereignty and freedom greatly increased over the past couple of years. The pursuit of one’s individuality in a world dominated by identification has made headlines, focusing heavily on the growing trend of cryptocurrency.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, an increasing number of people have jumped on the bandwagon, investing in various types of digital currency.

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While the growing values of major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum have undoubtedly played a significant role in attracting a large number of investors, it is the potential of cryptocurrency that remains its main allure.

But there is one more factor that makes cryptocurrency a highly sought out venture, the financial independence it brings to the table. Cryptocurrency is truly decentralized, giving its holders the freedom to roam free. Yet, there is another venture that provides similar advantages in terms of physical freedom; citizenship by investment.

Those with more than one nationality enjoy greater travel, economic, and political freedom than single nationality holders. This sovereignty gives breath to an entirely different lifestyle, just as cryptocurrency destroys the shackles of centralized finance. Hence, it is only reasonable that both ventures go hand in hand, but that is just the beginning.

Where Cryptocurrency & Citizenship by Investment intersect

The intersection point of both cryptocurrency and citizenship by investment is clear – freedom. But the real beauty of the matter is how both issues elegantly harmonize, complementing each other to achieve even greater potential.

Cryptocurrency on its own may be shackled by a certain government or regulation. In the US, for example, cryptocurrency investors can have a tough time dealing with their crypto-assets. Americans are notoriously excluded from certain new coin offerings, while the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) taxes capital gains on profit made from cryptocurrency sales exceeding 10,000 USD.

But that is just the start of it. Let’s say a crypto investor sells one Bitcoin, which is about 68,000 USD. A staggering 58,000 USD of that sum would be liable for capital gains tax. But there is more.

Biden’s government is currently working on a tax reform that will increase capital gains tax from 20% to a whopping 39.6%. This reform could destabilize, if not outright demolish, a cryptocurrency investor’s profit margin.

Crypto in the Caribbean

In St. Kitts & Nevis, however, cryptocurrency gains are not taxed, mainly because the Caribbean nation’s government does not impose any capital gains tax.

Its citizens are not excluded from coin offerings, and banks in the nation do not shy away from working with crypto investors.

There are no limits on a Nevisian LLC, for example, in terms of working with cryptocurrency, and the twin-island nation even has Bitcoin ATMs littered throughout the country.

But the best part of it is; St. Kitts & Nevis has a citizenship by investment program.

Interested investors can obtain a St. Kittian passport for an investment starting at 150,000 USD (almost two Bitcoin), and are free to conduct their crypto activity as they see fit.

Savory & Partners is an accredited agent for multiple governments where citizenship by investment is offered. Founded in 1797, the agency has evolved from pharmaceuticals to family assets and legacy protection through second citizenship and residency. The company’s professional, multinational staff is made up of expert advisors who have guided thousands of clients, including many North African investors