
#DDAmanda Software Reviewed by Santa Claus


Santa Claus has notified us that he uses #DDAmanda software when he trades stocks.

Mr. Claus stated, “Reindeer food is costly, and getting more expensive all the time. I generate extra funds to provide food for them. Rudolph is basically a glutton, and it is a relief to now be able to supply him with the exorbitant food he requires. Of course, he does use extra energy to power his Red Nose. DDAmanda has worked very well for me in this regard.”

We were amazed to learn that Mr. Claus uses our software. CEO Hans Brost stated, “It was quite a surprise to us to find out Santa trades stocks, and we are especially pleased that it has enabled him to feed his Reindeer, and especially Rudolph.”

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More about #DDAmanda:

The software was recently able to find $COSM (Cosmos Holdings, Inc.) and $GDVM (Global Developments, Inc) before their runs up in price.

The Software consists of 6 packages.

1. Proprietary stock scanning/screening software with rapid due diligence capability.
2. Real-time heuristic scanning of 8K Filings to alert on 8K’s with significant events that could result in price appreciation.
3. Real-time alerts for changes to the FINRA Daily List.
4. Real-time Social Media Alerts.
5. Real-time Tier Change Alerts.
6. Real-Time Share Structure Changes.

DDAmanda is unique in that it tracks dollars traded for each stock. The database contains 200 days of trading data to provide a detailed history of trading patterns. Users can also calculate how many shares traded at certain price levels within a Date Range.

SOURCE: PR Newswire