
Intuit and Square Vet Joins PayJoy as CTO


PayJoy, the top financial service provider to the underserved in emerging markets, announced Bharath Ramarathinam as the company’s new Chief Technology Officer. In his role, Ramarathinam will lead further technology and product expansion.

“I’m so delighted to have Bharath join our team! His deep experience in credit and financial services will be instrumental as we bring credit to tens of millions more customers,” said Doug Ricket, PayJoy CEO. “His expertise will help us provide more affordable and reliable credit to our underserved customers in emerging markets.”

Ramarathinam has 20+ years of experience as a technical leader, architect, and product designer developing and delivering solutions and strategies from the ground up. Prior to PayJoy, he was Global Head of Engineering, Square Banking, Block, Inc. where he led the transformation towards building a robust Banking platform, enhancing the company’s capabilities in moving, storing, and lending money. Ramarathinam also was responsible for scaling and managing Square’s Loans, Checking, Savings, Debit Card, and Credit Card product launches.

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Before Block, Ramarathinam was Head of Engineering for Intuit’s lending and money movement platforms. During his tenure at Intuit, he launched the Working Capital, Line of Credit, and Get Paid Upfront products for small businesses generating millions of dollars in revenue and helping small businesses get the capital they needed. During COVID, he led the effort across Intuit to launch the Government’s Paycheck Protection Program, and within two weeks of launch delivered over $1.4 billion in funds to more than 34,000 small businesses.

“In any career decision, I am looking for a combination of important mission and challenge to solve for and a talented and passionate team to solve with. I found both of these at PayJoy,” said Bharath Ramarathinam, PayJoy CTO. “I am extremely excited to join the PayJoy team to finance the next billion and look forward to working with the team to continue driving innovation and delivering financial services to the underserved.”