
PMV Capital Advisers, LLC Has Announced the Launch of the PMV Adaptive Risk Parity ETF


“We see an opportunity in the marketplace for an all-weather strategy that has low correlation to the broad stock market,” said Portfolio Manager Daniel Snover, CFA. “Investors are looking for ways to diversify their portfolio beyond traditional stock and bond positions.”

Risk parity is a style of portfolio construction with the goal of balancing returns throughout the market cycle by managing the tradeoffs between the primary drivers of asset class returns: economic growth and inflation. PMV believes that trends in the macro-economic environment create trends in asset class prices. Rather than naively allocating risk between the primary drivers of returns, as a risk parity portfolio does, PMV adapts portfolio allocations to identified asset class trends. Like risk parity, PMV’s goal is to balance returns throughout the market cycle. However, PMV believes the inclusion of a momentum factor has the potential to improve outcomes for investors.

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PMV provides retirement and wealth management to individuals, and sub-advisory services to other investment advisers. PMV Capital Advisers, LLC is an investment adviser registered with the SEC. Registration as an investment adviser is not an endorsement of PMV by securities regulators and does not mean the Adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability.

SOURCE: PR Newswire