
FiberFirst and GOCare Collaborate to Revolutionize Digital Customer Engagement


GOCare, a SaaS provider of digital experience software, is thrilled to announce that FiberFirst has gone live with their GOCare Messenger tool-set. This collaboration is revolutionizing digital customer engagement for FiberFirst subscribers, inclusive of real-time updates regarding account status, billing information, and upcoming appointments.

GOCare Messenger is a cloud-based, fully integrated, two-way digital communications solution without burdensome mobile apps. This launch demonstrates FiberFirst’s commitment to flexibility in customer communications, providing options beyond traditional phone calls. GOCare facilitates interactive communication with subscribers via their mobile devices, delivering important account updates in advance of customer inquiries. These messages are automated via GOCare’s integration with FiberFirst’s B/OSS provider, CHR Solutions. This real-time status feature promotes transparency and has operational benefits for FiberFirst while increasing customer satisfaction.

“We are excited to partner with GOCare and leverage their GOCare Messenger tool-set to elevate our service offerings,” stated Bryan Davis, Executive Vice President of Sales and Services at FiberFirst. “We selected GOCare based on their industry experience and focus on the broadband industry. At FiberFirst, we are committed to continuous improvement and proactive customer service. Integrating GOCare’s solution will ensure we provide our customers with timely information and peace of mind.”

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“FiberFirst’s commitment to delivering a superior customer experience is a defining part of their go-to-market differentiation,” stated Rick Perkins, CTO of GOCare. “GOCare has been instrumental in the digital transformation of clients for several years now. Today’s consumers overwhelmingly favor digital communications like SMS over phone calls. GOCare delivers the technology and strategy to ensure our clients’ subscribers have access to the channel of their choice.”

“CHR is excited to partner with GOCare and FiberFirst to deploy an enhanced customer experience,” said Jason Malmquist, Executive Vice President of Software at CHR Solutions. “Our commitment to an open architecture B/OSS platform enables customers like FiberFirst to easily integrate specialized capabilities from technology partners like GOCare.”

SOURCE: PRNewswire