
SparkFun Electronics Unleashes the ESP32-C6 Thing Plus: A Wireless Innovation Powerhouse


SparkFun Electronics releases the ESP32-C6 Thing Plus, a game-changing wireless development board set to elevate your projects to new heights. For over eight years SparkFun has been designing around Espressif technologies, and the release of the ESP32-C6 signals the completion of SparkFun’s first major roadmap for development boards using ESP-based modules.

The SparkFun ESP32-C6 Thing Plus combines cutting-edge technology with a compact, user-friendly design. At its core is the formidable ESP32-C6 WROOM-1-N16 module from Espressif™, featuring a RISC-V single-core processor, ample flash memory, and a diverse array of wireless connectivity options. This dynamic development board opens doors to 2.4 GHz WiFi 6, Bluetooth® 5.3, Zigbee, and Thread (802.15.4) capabilities, offering endless potential for your IoT projects.

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Key Features and Benefits of the SparkFun ESP32-C6:

  • Versatile Expansion: The microSD card slot allows you to expand your project’s capabilities effortlessly.
  • Seamless Integration: The Qwiic connector seamlessly integrates the Thing Plus with SparkFun’s extensive ecosystem of sensors.
  • Power Management: Equipped with a LiPo battery charger and fuel gauge, the Thing Plus ensures efficient power management. Connect via USB-C or use a LiPo battery with the 2-pin JST connector for primary power and programming.
  • Feather-Compatible: With a Feather-compatible footprint, this board is highly versatile and fits perfectly into various setups.
  • Extensive GPIO Pins: Break out all of the ESP32-C6’s 23 GPIO pins to 0.1in.-spaced PTH headers for maximum flexibility.

“We’re thrilled to introduce the SparkFun Thing Plus – ESP32-C6,” says Kirk Benell, CTO at SparkFun Electronics. “This board combines performance, affordability, and ease of use, empowering makers to bring their next-generation IoT projects to life. It underscores our commitment to offering comprehensive development board solutions for all skill levels and project needs.”

SOURCE: PRNewswire