
Beacon Healthcare Systems Hires Alexis Elam, Vice President of Compliance

Beacon Healthcare Systems

Beacon Healthcare Systems, leaders in compliance, appeals and grievances, enrollment, and SDoH, is pleased to welcome Alexis Elam, Vice President of Compliance to the team.

Elam joins Beacon with over a decade of healthcare Compliance and Privacy program development and organizational auditing and monitoring experience. As an executive level compliance professional, she has established and restructured compliance and operational areas across various payor and provider markets and SaaS support tools.

Trained as an internal auditor with an extensive background in risk governance, she has developed and implemented corporate initiatives and board level reporting to identify, prioritize, and manage enterprise risks and opportunities that promote adherence to the regulatory aspects of government contracting and service delivery.

Elam’s tenure in managed care includes health plan sponsorship and FDR Oversight, as well as acute and post-acute provider organizations under traditional Medicare and value-based arrangements.

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Elam will be presenting on behalf of Beacon at a breakout session at the upcoming HICE Annual Conference in Indian Wells, California, entitled “Audit Readiness – From Surviving to Thriving” on Monday, December 4, 2023.

Beacon Healthcare Systems streamlines the business of healthcare through reliable innovative SaaS technology delivered by industry experts. With a focus on appeals and grievances, compliance, enrollment, supplemental benefits or SDoH, and analytics, Beacon HCS is the first place health plans turn when looking for a trusted, experienced partner that can help them reduce costs, grow revenue, and achieve their strategic goals. Founded in 2011, Beacon HCS is a privately held California-based company with a wholly owned subsidiary in India. Beacon is hiring!

SOURCE: PRNewswire