
NewStem Announces New Collaboration to Validate its Software Diagnostic Device for Two Oncology Indications and Two Therapies


NewStem Ltd., a bio-platform company, announced a collaboration with the MSK Innovation Hub to further optimize and validate NewStem’s bioinformatics-based software as a medical device diagnostic platform. The NewStem Software Diagnostic Device (“NSDD”) provides information to oncologists regarding the presence of mutations in a patient’s tumor profile which may confer resistance to certain anti-cancer drugs. Armed with NSDD-based intelligence, oncologists can make more informed treatment decisions. The collaboration is focused on triple-negative breast cancer patients and non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with Paclitaxel and/or Carboplatin.

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Resistance is the leading cause of relapse in cancer and one of the significant causes of death due to the disease. Drug resistance (whether pre-existing or generated after therapy) is responsible for over 90% of deaths in cancer patients receiving traditional chemotherapeutics or novel targeted drug treatments.

The MSK Innovation Hub brings together innovative, digitally focused companies with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s (MSK) community of researchers, clinicians, and digital health professionals through a program designed to establish innovative collaborations that can have a tangible impact on treatment or management of cancer.

“Despite enormous progress over decades, resistance to anti-cancer drugs continues to be a major problem in treating cancer, the second-leading cause of death globally,” said Ayelet Dilion-Mashiah, Chief Executive Officer of NewStem Ltd. “We are excited to work with the MSK Innovation Hub in a collaboration that will bring together experts with the deepest expertise and a common goal to improve the lives of people with cancer.”

“We believe that impactful clinical innovations can be achieved through collaborative projects that combine deep clinical knowledge with cutting-edge technical capabilities,” said Pedram Razavi, MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist and Director of MSK’s Liquid Biopsy Technologies and Genomics. “We look forward to collaborating with NewStem through the MSK Innovation Hub to develop new innovations for bringing better treatments to cancer patients.”

NewStem Chairman, Jan Loeb, added, “We look forward to this collaboration that will allow us to optimize and further validate our software diagnostic device. This important effort builds on our continued work to commercialize our product.”

SOURCE: PR Newswire