
Sellers Dorsey Acquires HealthDataViz

Sellers Dorsey

Sellers Dorsey announced the Firm’s acquisition of HealthDataViz, a data analytics and visualization firm that helps clients access and understand data to achieve better health, healthcare, and healthier communities. The acquisition expands the firm’s abilities to partner with clients on innovative solutions that provide insights based on data that can drive positive health outcomes.

Since 2013, HealthDataViz has developed a strong reputation working with federal and state agencies, healthcare providers, insurance companies, public health organizations, and other healthcare stakeholders. With a strong team of experts in health, healthcare, technology, data analysis, and design, they have built a proven track record of delivering high-quality analytics, dashboards and applications so health and healthcare organizations can make informed decisions to improve health outcomes. HealthDataViz also offers Kaleido, a comprehensive suite of resources and training specifically tailored for health and healthcare analytics professionals.

“HealthDataViz is a well-recognized leader in health and healthcare data analytics and visualization, and we are all aligned around a shared vision to strengthen and improve health and healthcare. Through discussions with our clients, we know how challenging data can be,” says Marty Sellers, CEO of Sellers Dorsey. “Acquiring HealthDataViz provides us the capability to help clients identify gaps in their data collection and leverage their data to understand their challenges, implement solutions, and positively impact the health outcomes of the people they serve.”

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With this acquisition, Sellers Dorsey is extending their service portfolio to include healthcare and public health data analytics and visualization consulting and training services.

“We believe that by joining Sellers Dorsey, we can help even more clients understand their data through advanced analytics, visualization, and training so they can, in turn, improve health outcomes for communities across the country. We are excited to join this experienced and results-driven team and develop new innovative products to support our collective mission to deliver high quality, accessible, and equitable healthcare and improved health outcomes,” says Katherine Rowell of HealthDataViz.

“This acquisition is an investment in our team and capabilities,” says Sellers. “Expanding our organization in ways that further strengthen the public health and healthcare system for people across the country and enhance positive impact on healthcare for underserved populations – that is why we do this work.”

SOURCE: PRNewswire