
DeSo Surpasses 67 Million Transactions – Leading the Decentralized Social Media Movement

DeSo Surpasses 67 Million Transactions - Leading the Decentralized Social Media Movement logo/IT digest

DeSo, the Social Blockchain, surpassed 67.5 million transactions on their network since inception. The milestone took DeSo just 433 days to achieve, a feat that took Ethereum roughly 800 days to accomplish.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum are decentralizing the world’s financial system, DeSo is decentralizing social media and the world’s information. DeSo was designed and built to scale decentralized social media applications to 1 billion+ users.

DeSo’s transaction milestone proves that their network is equipped to scale and compete with the leading social apps at a time when more and more people are calling for new social media infrastructure in the face of blatant censorship and de-platforming by big tech.

This problem reared it’s head over the weekend when Bankless and three other leading web3-focused media entities were terminated from YouTube. For Bankless, 10,000+ hours of content and 150,000 subscribers were gone overnight with no explanation. While Bankless was eventually reinstated, it shines a light on the need for decentralization, bringing competition and innovation back to social media.

“When you decentralize something, you unlock the ingenuity of everybody all over the world rather than a small group of people running a top-down, centralized organization. To give you an example, when Ethereum got going and allowed anybody to build on top of their open financial platform, we got more innovation in DeFi in two years than the last 50 years in finance,” explains Nader Al-Naji, Founder of DeSo.

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Nader Al-Naji further explains “if you look at social media today, it’s more centralized than the financial system was before Bitcoin. You have five companies that virtually control everything we see and do online. And we’re over here trying to decide which billionaire we want to censor us.”

There are hundreds of apps built on the DeSo blockchain including web3 versions of Twitter and LinkedIn, in addition to bringing new social innovation to DAOs with the coming launch of DAODAO on DeSo.

DeSo recently pushed their much-anticipated upgrade Hypersync live which reduces blockchain sync time to 20 minutes. Faster syncing time means it’s easier to run a node which increases decentralization. It also improves scalability and makes building in a local environment easier.