
Customers Reveal Which AI Tools They are Using Most While Shopping Online

Customers Reveal Which AI Tools They are Using Most While Shopping Online logo/IT Digest
Customers Reveal Which AI Tools They are Using Most While Shopping Online logo/IT Digest

5W Public Relations, one of the largest independently-owned PR firms in the U.S., has released their 2022 Consumer Culture Report, revealing younger consumers are leading the charge in embracing artificial intelligence (AI) offerings when shopping online.

Over half of consumers between the ages of 16 and 44 report using artificial intelligence (AI) when online shopping. Of all consumers who report using AI, the following rank as their most-used features: interactive chat, voice search and reverse image search.

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“For years, consumer industries have been saying that artificial intelligence is the future, and now we’re seeing younger consumers seeking out and utilizing these offerings at an increasingly fast pace,” said 5WPR Co-CEO, Dara A. Busch. “Seamless integration into e-commerce is only the beginning of how consumer facing companies will be utilizing emerging AI technologies. We can also expect to see brick-and-mortar shops incorporating AI in their stores as a way to draw consumers away from the online experience and in through their physical doors.”

As a leading consumer PR firm, and an award-winning digital agency, 5WPR is committed to being a trailblazer in the industry, providing clients with the most up-to-date consumer insights. The information gathered from the survey guides strategy, planning and execution of client campaigns.

The research was conducted by Censuswide, with 2,002 respondents aged 16+ across the USA between 11.18.21 and 11.22.21. The survey was conducted from a nationally representative of American adults. Censuswide abide by and employ members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

About 5WPR
5W Public Relations is a full-service PR agency in NYC known for cutting-edge programs that engage with businesses, issues and ideas. With more than 250 professionals serving clients in B2C (Beauty & Fashion, Consumer Brands, Entertainment, Food & Beverage, Health & Wellness, Travel & Hospitality, Technology, Nonprofit), B2B (Corporate Communications and Reputation Management), Public Affairs, Crisis Communications and Digital Marketing