
ESET Launches ‘Heroes of Progress’ to Identify Most Progressive Minds of the 21st Century

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ESET, a global leader in digital security, announced the launch of ‘Heroes of Progress,’ which will search for and identify visionary thinkers who have contributed to progress across a variety of industries, with technology at the core of the advances made. Behind all forms of progress sits a team of brilliant, often maverick, creators that ensures great things happen. ESET is on a mission to find these innovative minds and shine a light on the unsung heroes that keep the world turning.

The entries, submitted through a 300-word executive summary, must outline examples of best-in-class work by the nominees that have made an impact through technology. This includes any technology invented, adopted and improved that advanced industries, society or communities. To qualify for the award, nominees must work within at least one of the below fields, be actively involved in the work they are nominated for and be over the age of 18. Recognized heroes will be announced in September 2022.

Heroes of Progress should work within the following 15 industries:

Arts & Creative industries
Digital security
Energy & Sustainability
Financial Services
Food & Agriculture
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Logistics industry
Research & Development
Smart Cities, IoT & IT industry
Transport & Travel industries

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“If we imagine for a moment what losing the contributions of history’s creative thinkers would mean to today’s technology, it becomes clear why their efforts need to be applauded,” said Brent McCarty, President of ESET North America. “That is why ESET places immense importance on the development of science, and the technology, research, and corporate responsibility initiatives that our business pursues with our colleagues, customers, partners, and the communities in which we operate. We are excited to start our search for Heroes of Progress, so we can celebrate all their amazing achievements across the world and shine a light on the progressive minds helping make our planet a better place.”