
Quectel receives prestigious Fortress Cybersecurity Award for outstanding contributions to IoT security


Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global IoT solutions provider, has been awarded the 2024 Fortress Cybersecurity Award by Business Intelligence Group . The Fortress Cybersecurity Awards recognize global leaders and individuals who are leading the way through cybersecurity innovation. Award recipients are selected based on their commitment to developing solutions, promoting cybersecurity awareness and combating the growing threat of cyberattacks.

“Receiving the Fortress Cybersecurity Award is a special honor,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO at Quectel Wireless Solutions. “This recognition confirms our commitment to providing secure and reliable IoT solutions that protect our customers’ data and operations. As IoT continues to sweep across industries, ensuring the security of connected devices is more important than ever. This award is a testament to the hard work and outstanding innovation of our team.”

As part of its cybersecurity efforts, Quectel has commissioned Finite State, a third-party security company specializing in software supply chain risk management, to subject its IoT modules to rigorous testing procedures. This is in line with the company’s commitment to guarantee transparent, verifiable product security. The company has also published the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) and Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange (VEX) documents for its IoT modules – a first among IoT module manufacturers. The publication of SBOM and VEX documents has a cascading effect on the entire IoT ecosystem. As a module provider, Quectel is an important building block in the architecture of numerous IoT devices. All IoT products built on Quectel’s platforms will benefit from the transparency and high security standards.

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“In the digital age, cybersecurity has become essential,” said Maria Jimenez, Chief Nominations Officer at Business Intelligence Group. “We are pleased to honor Quectel for its innovative solutions and continued commitment to protecting our data and infrastructure from growing cyber threats.”

In addition to its technical capabilities, Quectel excels in fostering a culture of security awareness and innovation. By investing in R&D and collaborating with industry leaders and regulators, Quectel aims to stay ahead of emerging threats and provide its customers with the most secure IoT solutions on the market.

Receiving the Fortress Cybersecurity Award is a significant milestone for Quectel, reaffirming the company’s leadership position in the IoT industry and its commitment to protecting the integrity and security of its customers’ data. As Quectel continues to expand its product portfolio and global reach, the company remains committed to delivering secure and cutting-edge IoT technology.

SOURCE: Businesswire