
Syncfusion Announces Updates to Bold Line of Enterprise Products Amidst G2 Recognition


Syncfusion, Inc., the enterprise technology provider of choice, announced several updates to the company’s Bold line of enterprise solutions, including the release of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered features in Bold BI, the company’s dashboarding and analytics platform, and BoldDesk, its customer service software solution. Additionally, Syncfusion’s reporting platform, Bold Reports, has been named a High Performer in G2’s Grid® Report for Business Intelligence in Winter 2024.

“Our Bold line of enterprise solutions continues to grow and earn industry recognition as being innovative, user-friendly, and customer-driven,” said Daniel Jebaraj, CEO of Syncfusion. “The new features and improvements in BoldDesk and Bold BI reflect our commitment to staying current with industry standards and evolving with our customers’ needs as we empower companies of all sizes with technology to improve daily business operations.”

Bold BI
The Bold BI team has released an integrated AI Q&A widget for the embeddable business intelligence (BI) platform. This widget provides rapid responses to user questions, eliminating the need for complex search queries or navigating through multiple interfaces. Powered by natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, the widget understands and interprets questions, enabling users to ask them in their own words.

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Leveraging a company’s knowledge base and the computational capabilities of OpenAI or Azure OpenAI, the widget delivers rapid and accurate responses to user questions, significantly reducing time spent analyzing data and preparing widgets. Additionally, the Q&A widget can provide responses in chart formats, enhancing data visualization and user comprehension.

BoldDesk, which recently won the Excellence in Customer Service Award from the Business Intelligence Group, now has an AI copilot feature, an AI assistant designed to streamline agents’ workflows and deliver faster and more precise support. The AI copilot allows agents to pose questions within the interface and instantly receive accurate, tailored responses drawn from the company’s knowledge base. Backed by Azure OpenAI, the AI copilot enhances agent productivity by suggesting information from the knowledge base to address the most recent question in a ticket conversation.

SOURCE: GlobeNewswire