
Apollo GraphQL Announces Major GraphOS Update, Enhancing Observability and Performance for Enterprise-Scale GraphQL Federation

 Apollo GraphQL

Apollo GraphQL, the creator of GraphQL federation, announced new features in Apollo GraphOS are now generally available to better leverage GraphQL’s developer productivity and performance benefits at any scale. This release provides API platform teams with visibility, usability, and performance benefits for GraphQL federation, enabling the engineering teams they serve to maximize the value of their APIs across their business.

As the leading GraphQL federation platform, GraphOS provides an abstraction layer for API complexity, enabling product engineering teams to rapidly build and iterate features based on customer demand. Gartner® predicts that 30% of enterprises using GraphQL will utilize GraphQL federation by 2027, up from less than 5% in 2024.Apollo believes this trend suggests the number of enterprises using GraphQL federation as their API access layer will increase by 12x. GraphOS provides everything enterprise teams need to deliver GraphQL federation at any scale.

“GraphQL federation removes the friction between the frontend and backend that we see in distributed architectures,” said Matt DeBergalis, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder at Apollo GraphQL. “This latest GraphOS release enables API platform teams to operationalize GraphQL federation’s benefits faster, so they can focus less on building custom tooling and more on their customers’ needs.”

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This latest GraphOS release includes significant improvements around observability, usability, and performance, enabling API platform teams to operate GraphQL federation more easily than ever before.  “At enterprise-scale, every millisecond of latency in your consumer’s digital experiences impacts the bottom line,” said Rob Brazier, VP of Product at Apollo GraphQL. “With this release of Apollo GraphOS, we’ve made it even easier for API platform teams to observe and optimize the performance of federated graphs.”

AI is driving rapid innovation across industries, making the API layer critical for delivering competitive, personalized applications. Apollo aims to help API platform teams leverage GraphQL federation’s benefits across engineering organizations, empowering their teams to lead their organizations into the AI era.

SOURCE: PRNewswire