Oracle announced the availability of Java 22, the latest version of the world’s number one programming language and development platform. Java 22 (Oracle JDK 22) delivers thousands of performance, stability, and security improvements to help developers increase productivity, drive innovation, and accelerate growth across their organizations. These include enhancements to the Java language, its APIs and performance, and the tools included in the Java Development Kit (JDK).
“The new enhancements in Java 22 enable more developers to quickly and easily build and deliver feature-rich, scalable, and secure applications to help organizations across the globe grow their businesses,” said Georges Saab, senior vice president, Oracle Java Platform and chair, OpenJDK governing board. “By delivering enhancements that streamline application development and extend Java’s reach to make it accessible to developers of all proficiency levels, Java 22 will help drive the creation of a wide range of new applications and services for organizations and developers alike.”
The latest JDK provides updates and improvements with 12 JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs). JDK 22 delivers language improvements from OpenJDK Project Amber (Statements before super[…], Unnamed Variables & Patterns, String Templates, and Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods); enhancements from Project Panama (Foreign Function & Memory API and Vector API); features related to Project Loom (Structured Concurrency and Scoped Values); core libraries and tools capabilities (Class-File API, Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs, and Stream Gatherers); and performance updates (Region Pinning for G1).
“After nearly three decades, Java’s ability to support complex development tasks that span a wide range of use cases makes the platform as relevant as it has ever been,” said Arnal Dayaratna, research vice president, software development, IDC. “Java’s versatility and comprehensive toolset enables it to support the development of production-grade, mission-critical applications at scale, which positions it as a key enabling technology for innovative use cases such as generative AI.”
SOURCE: PRNewswire