
Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity now delivers centralized security audit and advanced XDR capabilities


Kaspersky announces that its Industrial CyberSecurity (KICS) offering now provides customers with automated centralized compliance audit functions. The updated platform also promotes deeper integration of KICS for Nodes and KICS for Networks, provides advanced Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) capabilities and contains a new design for easy management. These additions come in response to the increasing numbers of attacks on operational technology (OT) infrastructure.

The threat landscape is rapidly changing with new, complicated computer-based systems being introduced into the OT infrastructure. According to Kaspersky ICS CERT, malicious objects were blocked on 34% of ICS computers in the first half of 2023. As industrial companies steadily ramp up digitalization and extend connectivity, they must pay more attention to their cybersecurity and use effective solutions to provide InfoSec professionals with the latest information on potential threats. The updated Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity platform is a direct response to this trend.

Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity is a native XDR Platform for industrial enterprises that is made and certified to protect OT and critical infrastructure equipment and networks from cyber-initiated threats. Designed to comprehensively secure the industrial automation and control systems it consists of KICS for Nodes that is aimed at endpoints of distributed control systems and KICS for Networks that monitors automation system network security.

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Enhanced with XDR capabilities, customers can now manage the KICS installation database from a single console and scale the OT Security Operations to a many of large, diverse, and geographically distributed sites. Companies can integrate different solutions from both Kaspersky and third-party vendors, collect all the telemetry and respond to threats from the same place. They can also implement Threat Intelligence Portals for an event enrichment process.

SOURCE: PRNewswire