
TOPdesk Recognized As A 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice For IT Service Management

TOPdesk Recognized As A 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice For IT Service Management logo/IT Digest
TOPdesk Recognized As A 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice For IT Service Management logo/IT Digest

TOPdesk, a leading global provider of IT service management (ITSM) solutions, announces that it has been named a Customers’ Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: IT service management tools. Gartner defines IT service management tools as those that enable IT operations organizations, specifically infrastructure and operations managers, to better support the production environment.

TOPdesk received a 4.5 out of a 5-star rating, and 91% of TOPdesk customers “would recommend” the solution to their peers and colleagues based on 113 reviews submitted as of December 2021 on Gartner Peer InsightsTM. In addition, according to feedback collected in the report, customers said that TOPdesk’s support experience are among its best attributes, followed by product capabilities.

TOPdesk helps organizations across the globe improve service management processes by providing a user-friendly self-service ITSM solution with comprehensive support through a continuously delivered platform. TOPdesk’s ITSM platform enables a high-quality enterprise service management solution with proven fast and efficient time-to-value.

“For the third consecutive year, TOPdesk has received the honor of being recognized as a Customers’ Choice in the Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: IT Service Management Tools report, for which we’re thrilled,” said Ruben Franzen, president of TOPdesk US. ” However, despite this signal of success and a realization of our service management solution’s effectiveness, we’ll continue working toward delivering an even stronger solution to meet our customer’s needs.”

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Franzen points out that TOPdesk’s primary aim is achieving one million happy operators globally.

“TOPdesk’s DNA is structured so that everyone in the organization focuses on the happiness of our operators and customers, no matter their organization or location,” he said. “TOPdesk is created to help people, solve problems, work elevated. Our customer’s happiness is our true north.”

One customer review shared by Gartner points out that “TOPdesk ITSM has worked great with our IT department and has made our end-users happy, most of the items they need are easily accessible via the knowledge portal. In IT, we love how easy it is to find relevant tickets using keywords, making it easier to close out incidents. We can also make technical notes in the tickets where only technical details are visible to our technicians, so it avoids end-user confusion. Love this solution.”

TOPdesk is part of Gartner’s Peer Insights Customer First program, which means the company seeks customer feedback that is unbiased and truthful, even if it’s not positive. The Customer First program fosters user trust and credibility by signaling that TOPdesk actively solicits reviews from all customers. TOPdesk uses these customer insights to drive product development, service, and support.