
UCIe Consortium Unveils 2.0 Spec for Manageability & 3D

UCIe Consortium

The Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express™ (UCIe™) Consortium announced the release of its 2.0 Specification. The UCIe 2.0 Specification adds support for a standardized system architecture for manageability and holistically addresses the design challenges for testability, manageability, and debug (DFx) for the SIP lifecycle across multiple chiplets – from sort to management in the field. The introduction of optional manageability features and a UCIe DFx Architecture (UDA), which includes a management fabric within each chiplet for testing, telemetry, and debug functions, allows vendor agnostic chiplet interoperability across a flexible and a unified approach to SIP management and DFx operations.

Additionally, the 2.0 Specification supports 3D packaging – offering higher bandwidth density and improved power efficiency compared to 2D and 2.5D architectures. UCIe-3D is optimized for hybrid bonding with a bump pitch functional for bump pitches as big as 10-25 microns to as small as 1 micron or less to provide flexibility and scalability.

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Another feature is optimized package designs for interoperability and compliance testing. The goal of compliance testing is to validate the main-band supported features of a Device Under Test (DUT) against a known-good reference UCIe implementation. UCIe 2.0 establishes an initial framework for physical, adapter, and protocol compliance testing.

UCIe Consortium is supporting a diverse range of chiplets to meet the needs of the rapidly changing semiconductor industry,” said Cheolmin Park, UCIe Consortium President and Corporate VP, Samsung Electronics. “The UCIe 2.0 Specification builds on previous iterations by developing a comprehensive solution stack and encouraging interoperability between chiplet solutions. This is yet another example of the Consortium’s dedication to the flourishing open chiplet ecosystem.”

SOURCE: Businesswire