
Privacy-Preserving Computation Network PlatON Launches Version 3.0, Leading New Direction in Universal AI

Privacy-Preserving Computation Network PlatON Launches Version 3.0_ Leading New Direction in Universal AI logo/IT Digest
Privacy-Preserving Computation Network PlatON Launches Version 3.0_ Leading New Direction in Universal AI logo/IT Digest

PlatON, a privacy-preserving computation network, has released version 3.0 while leading a new direction in Universal Artificial Intelligence. PlatON was innovatively designed to integrate the three elements of AI – computing power, algorithm, and data – into the product for users. Any user can be a data owner, a data user, an algorithm developer, and a data developer to log into the platform and complete various tasks. Such a decentralized way to gather data, algorithms, and computing power needed for computation creates a new safe and general Artificial Intelligence model.

Data, AI, and Blockchain

Since the popularization of the computer started 70 years ago, individuals would never imagine a “second life” in the digital world as our society turns fully digitalized. Our society continues to expand the boundaries of our identity, try new things, and improve our physical living conditions in the vast territory of the online “Parallel Universe,” which we also have our marks – data.

Data is the product of observations, and the observation target includes objects, individuals, institutions, events, and their environment. Data can be digital or non-digital. They are increasingly digital and the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT). While data exist worldwide, how can we tap into the value of data and utilize it on a massive scale? Artificial Intelligence has shown us the answer.

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While most people are familiar with Artificial Intelligence, coming from online shopping to industrial products, we have seen the significant advantages and benefits brought by Artificial Intelligence. Although numerous benefits are falling within Artificial Intelligence, several issues exist within the AI Industry, such as high computing power and data-preserving case. The recent adaptation of Artificial Intelligence and a significant drop in the price of computing power has gradually spiked up the usage of computing power globally. In addition, most tech companies are having difficulties complying with Data regulations such as “China’s Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law” while sharing data to improve AI algorithms. This led to a substantial looming roadblock for the development of AI Technology.

In recent times, blockchain has become popular while the Emergence of blockchain and privacy-preserving computation has Inspired the AI Blockchain consensus algorithm to assist the completion of subject collaboration tasks in the AI System. With this integration, its technical feature allows data assetization and incentivizes the addition of a broader range of data, algorithms, and computing power to create more Artificial Intelligence.

Even though there is already a variety of platforms built on privacy-preserving computation and blockchain, such as Anchain Morce MPC Platform and Baidu Mesa TEE platform, it’s mainly targeted for business. At the same time, little effort has been invested in the democratization of AI and the establishment of safe artificial general intelligence (AGI). In the unforeseeable future, we can see that ownership of data will eventually be returned to individuals. The only path leading to AGI is centering around the “new-generation production factors” with technical facilities including AI, blockchain, and privacy-preserving computation and promoting the emergency and evolution of Advanced AI. PlatON